A postcard of facts
As a teenage boy in California, I immersed myself in a rock’n’roll band, The Streets. Music wrapped everything and still does. In college over many years, I completed three degrees in English, including a Teaching Credential at UC Berkeley, and wound up in Dublin with a PhD and Irish citizenship. At the moment, I’m a grandfather of three fine girls and have a number of projects in the fire.
To survive in Ireland, I began to teach writing based on the National Writing Project in the States, where I was trained when it started in S.F. and Berkeley in the mid 70s. My Adult Education writing course went on for years, and the writing book grew out of that work when the students asked, “Why don’t you write this down.” That’s what I did that summer: How to Write: Tools for the Craft, UCD Press was published in 1998.
Years of jobs later, mostly as an instructional designer and writer, I find myself here with the energy to write creatively and the skills to help others with their writing. I’m engaged in a big project, Keywords English, a science-literacy programme with three super-apps and teacher training modules. See http://keywordsenglish.com/ .
Then there’s Rosanna and Owl, the first of a trilogy for 8-13 year olds. Oh wider. Book 2 is in the cauldron.